Friday, April 23, 2010

Decorating fun!

Hi All!

Today I wanted to talk about being creative while decorating cupcakes. We can frost cupcakes like any ordinary cupcake with a piping bag or just a spatula, but I want you guys to be able to get creative, and like I said earlier, do not be afraid to experiment with ideas. Cupcakes can be decorated to any theme to look like anything. Cupcakes are good for parties and what is better then cupcakes decorated for the theme of the party or holiday! These few pictures demonstrate how cupcakes can be decorated for Halloween, Christmas, birthdays or just for fun! Although icing is normally the only toping on a cupcake, you can add different things such as fondant, marshmallows or rice crispy’s to help shape other objects onto the cupcake. Like I have said before, do not be afraid to play around and try new ideas! Have fun with decorating, there is no right or wrong way when it comes to decorating!

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