Saturday, April 24, 2010

Creative Cupcake Displays

Hi All,

Today I want to talk about how to be creative with the way you can display cupcakes. Cupcakes do not always just have to be served out of a box or container. When doing an event you can be creative with the way you lay cupcakes out on display. Since cupcakes are so popular today, many people get them for all kinds of events today, from birthdays, weddings or just for casual parties. When people want cupcakes at their weddings they often time want a cake that they can cut into. Often times you can suggest doing a cupcake tower with a small cake as the top tier and the rest of the tiers are filled with cupcakes.

Another idea can be the arrangement of the cupcakes in comparison with the decoration of the cupcakes. You want to make sure that if the cupcakes are decorated in a certain way that they are laid out properly. An example of this is the picture below of the cupcakes decorated like the Tetris game.

Lastly, For birthdays or parties its nice to get some sort of tower to place the cupcakes on so that they are not just placed on a table. There are several types of different towers available and they can often times be themed to the event as well. The picture below demonstrates a creative and unique type of cupcake tower for a modern party.

I hope these pictures give you all ideas on how to be creative while baking and displaying cupcakes!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Decorating fun!

Hi All!

Today I wanted to talk about being creative while decorating cupcakes. We can frost cupcakes like any ordinary cupcake with a piping bag or just a spatula, but I want you guys to be able to get creative, and like I said earlier, do not be afraid to experiment with ideas. Cupcakes can be decorated to any theme to look like anything. Cupcakes are good for parties and what is better then cupcakes decorated for the theme of the party or holiday! These few pictures demonstrate how cupcakes can be decorated for Halloween, Christmas, birthdays or just for fun! Although icing is normally the only toping on a cupcake, you can add different things such as fondant, marshmallows or rice crispy’s to help shape other objects onto the cupcake. Like I have said before, do not be afraid to play around and try new ideas! Have fun with decorating, there is no right or wrong way when it comes to decorating!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Recipe Creativity!

Hi All!

Today I wanted to talk about being creative with cupcake recipes. Although we all know that there are the standard types of cupcakes such as, vanilla, chocolate, carrot cake, or even red velvet, as bakers we can be creative with what we bake. Do not be afraid to try new things and think outside of the box while baking. Exploring different flavors with each other is the only way we can be unique and see what works well together and what does not. I will attach some links to some websites with creative and unique cupcake ideas to help give you all ideas on what you could try and do.

Like I said do not be afraid to explore and try new ideas!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Educational Websites

Hi all!
There are several educational websites that both students and teachers have access to online. One helpful website is This website helps teach students how to formate citations for reference pages, work cited pages and bibliographies. It teaches students how to use formate citations step by step as well as helps generate them. I think this is useful for people of all ages because at times we all forget how to cite things.

Another helpful website for educational purposes is This website is a great spanish dictionary online that also helps translate phrases from english to spanish or spanish to english. This site can be helpful to those trying to learn a new language or students who are majoring or minoring in spanish. Teachers can tell there students to use this instead of buying a dictionary which can help the students save money.

Lastly, A website good for certain university students, such as students at the University of Arizona, is a website called This website allows students to upload notes from class as well as study guides for tests so that if someone missed something in class it gives them the opportunity to get the information they need.

There are so many educational websites and we need to be aware of them and put them to good use! I hope this helps some of you!
Next, a great website that can be used as an educational tool is You must have a membership to this website, but for teachers and parents I think this website is perfect! It has several activities and website links to different learning activities for children.

Another helpful website for teachers to demonstrate things to their students is through a website called This website is similar to youtube but has filtered videos that are appropriate to show students. Some examples of videos that you can find on this website can pertain to our government, such as presidential speeches, or school house rock videos which teach students different lessons.