Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What Lies Ahead!

This semester has been a busy semester but I still have tons to do before its all said and done with. I have several tests and papers as well as projects that I need to get done within the next few weeks. In addition, during this time of crazy work loads, spring break lies ahead.

This spring break I will be driving back to California, more specifically home which is Los Angeles. I plan on working at the bakery that I mentioned earlier in my bloggs, its called Hot Cakes Bakes. Im not planning on working the the entire break but it will be nice to get a few extra hours in. In addition to working at the bakery, I will be working and attending a fashion show to launch the Kardashian's clothing line through BEBE. I am very excited for this and cannot wait to get this type of experience.

Aside from working, I am planning on seeing my friends from home who I rarely get to see throughout the year. Its always nice to be able to catch up and go out with them. We will most likely go down to Hermosa or Manhattan Beach or up to Hollywood when we go out.

I also plan on going down to the beach and riding my cruiser down the strand. It is always such a relaxing and beautiful experience. Being back in Los Angeles always makes me happy not only because of the beach but because of the shopping, and of course my family and friends.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blogs In The Classroom

Technology for both students and teachers is evolving greatly in today’s society. Both teachers and students are able to use different sources of technology for educational purposes as well as making it easier for both teachers and students to assign homework and projects and it also has become easier for students to turn in their homework or assignments. From the use of cell phones in the classroom to the use of computers and ipods these sources of technology are all applicable in everyday life for students today.

In addition the use of blogs in a classroom can be very helpful and has several advantages as well as some disadvantages. Blogs can be used in a classroom for several different assignments as well as on going projects. A teacher can have their students begin a blog to keep track of how students are progressing throughout school or certain assignments. In addition blogs can be a great source for a discussion area if schools do not have access to a program such as D2L. This would be a good way for students to interact in the same way they do on D2L, and gives them the ability to comment on one another’s postings. In addition, I think that blogs may have a disadvantage if it is the only thing the teacher relies on for the student to have interaction because not all students have access to a computer or do not have a lot of time that they can access a computer if they share it with their parents.

Overall, technology is expanding and there are several ways it can be tied into our education. What do you think is a creative way to tie technology into our education?