Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Little More About Me!

Hey all!
Just thought Id drop in and write an update to share with you guys some of the things I enjoy doing in my free time. When I'm not at school and am not to busy I enjoy baking. I work at a bakery in Los Angeles called Hot Cakes Bakes. It is more of a cupcake and cake shop with many assortment of other sweets. The bakers enjoy and a challenge and if you bring in a picture of what kind of cake or what a cake could look like they most likely can do it!

I also love going to the beach and riding my bike down the strand on a nice sunny day! In the summer the beaches are packed and its fun to ride down to Venice Beach or Hermosa Beach. Its fun to get a big group of friends together and take our cruisers down to the strand and just ride. The view is great! I also just love lounging around and not doing anything. Its nice to just relax and enjoy some free time from school and work.

Lastly, Traveling is something I love to do but never have much time to do it. New York and Los Angeles are two of my favorite cities in the United States. I've only traveled to Mexico and Australia but cannot wait to graduate so I can travel throughout Europe and hopefully throughout south america. Italy has always been a dream of mine to go to and I cant wait!

Well thats all for now!

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